Summit Health and Safety Protocols
The health and safety of Summit attendees are our top priority. The following protocols for our in-person gathering reflect the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Network is working closely with the Royal Sonesta Minneapolis Downtown (the Summit venue) and is actively monitoring local conditions, risk factors, and applicable laws, regulations, and guidance. Because these factors are frequently changing, we will continue to update this page as new guidance is released.
As members of the public health community, we expect that attendees will do their utmost to adhere to and abide by the health and safety protocols outlined. We ask that attendees limit their contacts as much as possible three to five days before the Summit.
All in-person attendees, staff, and contractors must be fully vaccinated by at least two weeks prior to the Summit start date to participate. As defined by the CDC, fully vaccinated means two shots of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Additional booster doses for specific populations are strongly recommended. All attendees will have submitted their vaccination dates with their registrations.
We strongly encourage those attending the Summit to conduct either a rapid COVID-19 antigen test or a PCR test 24-72 hours before coming to the Summit. If you have a positive result, please do not attend the Summit – we will refund your registration.
Attendees and speakers will be required to wear masks throughout the entirety of the Summit. Ample room will be made in session rooms and shared eating spaces to allow for social distancing.
Additional Health and Safety Tips
All Summit attendees, contractors, exhibitors, vendors, and staff should:
- Not attend the Summit if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms in the three days prior;
- Not enter any Summit meeting space if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms;
- Wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds and/or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
- Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouths with unwashed hands;
- Maintain social distancing within the boundaries of seating and space; and
- Engage in additional responsible health and safety practices, inside and outside of the Summit.