Advancing Health Equity through Civic Engagement
Concurrent Sessions 1: 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm, Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Public health has a role in educating and empowering community members to register to vote and participate in elections as a way to improve representation in a process that determines the policies that shape the conditions of our lives. We can advance health equity by strengthening civic participation and improving access to the ballot. This session will explore the relationship between civic participation and individual and community health outcomes and identify strategies to visualize data, create a narrative, and lead campaigns to register and engage voters.
- Dawn Hunter, Director, Network for Public Health Law – Southeastern Region
- Alister Martin, Founder and Board Chair, Vot-ER
- Jessica Barba Brown, Senior Advisor, Healthy Democracy Healthy People Initiative,
- Christopher Davis, Assistant Professor, Kern Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin