Communities Share Cross-Sector Data to Improve Child and Adolescent Health
Concurrent Sessions 4: 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm, Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Communities are connecting across sectors to learn more about complex social problems, the community and the individuals who live within them. This session will describe lessons learned from a community that shares data to improve health in schools and models from communities that are sharing data to identify and mitigate adverse childhood experiences. This session will also demonstrate how to navigate HIPAA, FERPA and state mental health law so that community data sharing may occur.
- Clare Tanner, PhD, Co-Director of DASH, Michigan Public Health Institute
- Ben Donlon, Chief Analytics Officer, Metro United Way
- Kathleen Kelly, MPA, Founder, CEO, Lifting Up, LLC
- Kerri McGowan Lowrey, JD, MPH, Deputy Director and Director of Grants & Research, Network for Public Health Law – Eastern Region Office