Empowering Public Health to Influence Federal Regulation
Concurrent Sessions 3: 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm, Wednesday, September 22, 2021
This session will highlight how modest “watchdog” programs can demystify federal regulatory initiatives and empower health professionals to alter the course of federal policy. Focusing on the FDA, panelists will describe current efforts to monitor the FDA’s regulation of food, tobacco products and drugs. Session presenters will highlight public health successes in these areas, easy ways to become more involved in the regulatory process, and opportunities for similar programs across the federal landscape.
- Desmond Jensen, JD, Lead Senior Staff Attorney for Federal Regulation, Public Health Law Center
- Rebecca Hare, JD, MLIS, Saeks Public Interest Residency Fellow, Public Health Law Center
- Patricia Zettler, JD, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University